Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Christmas Eve Fun

On Christmas Even Day the kids got to open their gifts from cousins and then we did our Gender reveal with the boys.

Ethan and Wyatt said that they thought it was a girl. Emmett said it was a boy. So we lined the boys all up and had them smack their exploding golf balls to reveal what their little sibling was going to be.

That's right! Its another BOY!!

Wyatt was bummed. He said, "What?? Its supposed to be a girl!" Ethan was bummed too. He said, "NO!! I wanted a girl!" haha

Emmett on the other hand was super happy. He said, "YES!! I love boys!! haha So at least Emmett was super excited about having a baby brother. Both Brandon and I had really thought this little one was going to be a girl. This pregnancy has been so different! I was so much more sick this time and way more grumpy and hormonal. We thought for sure it was going to be a girl. Boy were we wrong!! haha

After exploding some golf balls we made our way to Nordy's for our annual Christmas Even early dinner.

Dinner was delicious as expected and we were all full by the time we left. 

That evening Santa's elves dropped off his cookie mixture so that we could make his cookies.

The boys love making Santa's cookies. Especially since they get to help eat one of them afterwards.

After making Santa's cookies the kids got to open their ornament present.

Emmett was super excited about his bike ornament! I love seeing the excitement on his face! 

Wyatt was super excited about his school bus ornament with his picture in it. He said he really wanted one like that.

I think Ethan was confused about his. haha We had to explain that it was a reading S'more's ornament. He has started to enjoy reading so it fit.

Lastly, Ethan wrote a note to Santa asking about how many cookies he eats on Christmas Eve. haha Then the kids brushed their teeth and headed off to bed so that Santa could come!!

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