Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Halloween 2018

This year for halloween both Ethan and Wyatt wanted to be Black Panther. Ethan wanted to be the bad Black panther and Wyatt was the good one. Emmett was Iron Man and looked so cute in his little muscle man costume! The boys loved being these super heros! So I got the boys all ready and then drove them to school. We got there a little late which was not the best but at least the boys made it in time to get to their classes before getting out for the parade.

Me and Emmett waiting out in the freezing cold for the parade to start. It even started snowing a little bit. It was so cold and the parade felt like it was never going to start. When we got to the school we were late and had to park super far away. So we basically ran the whole way into the school. Which was hard because I couldn't carry Emmett because of my back and the boys needed to hurry. Emmett did a great job keeping up with all of us and when we got to the school I ran in so I could check the boys in. Emmett had lost focus and was climbing on the benches so I figured he would be ok for just a second and probably not even realize that I was gone. Well I was wrong. I walked inside to check Ethan and Wyatt in and they told me I didn't have to worry about it. So they ran off to their classes and I went back outside to be with Emmett. When I got outside he was not on the planter steps anymore. I started to look for him and then saw our friends the Barkers walking with him. I went over and told them and they told me that they saw him running towards the playground by himself so they stopped him and then came looking for me. Emmett was so sad when he saw me. He had noticed that I was gone and got scared and started to run to try and find me. I felt so bad!! I don't like when he gets so scared that he is lost. So I picked him up and gave him a big hug and then made sure he was close to me the rest of the time waiting for the parade to start.

The parade finally started and I was now on the look out to see my boys in their costumes. The problem was that there were tons of Black Panthers and bad Black Panthers. I saw Wyatt and he gave a good wave and fingers gun shot to Brother barker. Then I tried looking for Ethan. I saw him teacher and started recording and then when I thought I saw him I noticed it wasn't him. I have a tiny glimpse of him walking behind another bad Black Panther on a video but it was hard to catch a picture of him. This picture ended up not being him. haha He must not have seen me either!

After standing in the cold for what felt like forever and seeing the kids in the parade Emmett and I headed inside to help out in Wyatt's class party. 

Later that day when Daddy got off work and the boys were all home we headed over to an office building that does trick or treating for kids. It is fun and nice and warm so it is perfect for when it feels a little chilly outside.  Oh and did I mention that Brandon was Tony Stark (Iron Man) for Halloween. haha

Look at these cute Super Heros!

After getting a bunch of candy at the office building we headed over to the Barkers for dinner and trick or treating. The kids loved having dinner with them and trick or treating around their neighborhood.

We were out for a long time and ended up heading over to our street to do a little bit more and making sure to go to the Palmers haunted house before calling it a night. It was getting super cold by the time we were done. We were all ready to get inside and warm up. I was not feeling well by that point so I was ready to lay down and call it a night as well. Emmett ran most of the night trying to keep up with his brothers and friends. It is seriously so cute watching them trick or treat when they are little. Emmett did such a good job at saying "Trick or Treat" to people and saying "Happy Halloween" it was really cute to watch!! I love it! I just wish I could get good videos of it but it is always too dark to take any videos! It was a good Halloween!!

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