Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The first half of November!

November was pretty good. I tried to give Emmett was one on one time in the mornings while the boys were at school. Wyatt had basketball and we got ready for Christmas.
Emmett fell asleep one evening before he even ate dinner. He came and sat down by me watching chopped and fell asleep. I didn't want to move because he was cuddled up to me and I was enjoying it. He ended up sleeping from like 5:30-7. Then got up and ate a tiny bit and then we put him to bed for the night. I didn't mind though. He doesn't snuggle with me very often. 

Wyatt started basketball and was having a lot of fun with it. He also was doing a great job this year and made a couple of baskets each game this year. Which made him feel really good about himself.

November 5th we put up our Christmas Tree!!! YAY!!!! 
The boys were super excited to put up the tree and Emmett got to put the star on top of the tree this year. I love letting them put their ornaments on wherever they want. It ends up being little clumps of ornaments in their own spots. haha It is always so funny and I am totally fine with it because someday it will be more organized and I will remember these days when the ornaments were in clusters. haha 

Oh and did I mention that Brandon and I went to a Gala and won a 5 night all inclusive and airfare trip to St. Lucia!!!! We still can't believe that we won it. There was a raffle drawing and we put in a bunch of raffle tickets into a trip to Mexico, Hawaii and lastly we put the most in St. lucia! I was joking the whole night that we were going to win it. That it was our trip and we actually won!! Now we have something to look forward to after we have this baby! I am so excited! Plus its airfare and all inclusive hotel stay for 5 days!!! Ahh!!! We are so excited!!! So come next February we will be soaking up the sun in St. Lucia!!! :-) 

I took Emmett to story time at the library and afterwards headed over to Panera Bread to get a bagel for me and Emmett to share! He was so silly and wanted to sit by the fire. So I sat at the table and he sat by the fireplace. He makes such silly faces too. I feel like he makes goofy faces now anytime I want a picture of him. haha 

We also decided to go golfing just Brandon, Emmett and I. Ya...... it was not a good idea! It was FREEZING!! I think it was in the 30's and breezy! I mean look at that golf ball... there is still ice on it! haha

Emmett was excited for just a little bit and then he was too cold and just wanted to go home. I didn't blame him! It was so cold! It was not very enjoyable! So we made it through 4 holes and then called it. We even got hot cocoa and that was even cold after 3 holes. haha

Nothing like enjoying some hot cocoa and enjoying what I want to watch while the boys play nintendo upstairs. It was so blissful until it wasn't. After taking this picture I was thinking of how nice it was and how having all the boys home seemed great. 5 Minutes after this picture they all started fighting and my luxury relaxation ended.

Emmett kept falling asleep on the couch either watching something or falling asleep in the car and then just sleeping on the couch after transferring him from the car to the couch. haha 

November also brings "Pie Night"! So just before Thanksgiving we headed to the church building for our friends annual pie night. The kids don't ever really care to eat pie but they like running around playing. Plus they get to get their faces painted. 

Lastly, Emmett has been very curious and into my bras. haha If I didn't know where Emmett went in the house he was usually in my room getting into my stuff. I walked into my room once where he was in my closet and when I opened the door quickly he was leaning against the door so he fell backwards slightly and he was in my swim suit. haha What a nut!!! He also liked to come into my room while I was in the shower and steal my bra and hide it. One time I came down looking for him and it and saw him on the couch with it under his shirt. He just gave me a smile and I had to take a picture of it. haha What a nut!!!! I have now since hid the rest of my bras and other things and try to hide the bra I will be wearing under my robe or something so he can't take it and hide it! haha

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