Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Surprising GG for her Birthday

So this year on my Mom's Birthday we had wanted to fly her and my Dad out here to spend her birthday with us but they were going to be watching my brother Weston and Hayley's kids while they went on a cruise. So we decided since they were going to be in Utah it would be fun to completely surprise her. So I worked with my Dad to get it all set up and make sure they were at the house when we arrived. We didn't even tell our boys that we were doing this until we left that morning for Utah. We didn't want anyone to slip up and tell my Mom on accident. We got up early and drove out to Utah. Made it to Utah in time to eat some lunch at IN N OUT and then grabbed some balloons from the dollar store and then headed to the house. I was secretly communicating with my Dad that morning and after finding out that they had been dealing with one of the kids throwing up multiple times that week we were a little nervous to have our family get sick but super excited to be able to bring some life into their week and especially into my Mom's birthday. 

We brought donuts in the car for breakfast and the boys pounded them down. Wyatt decided that he could stick a whole donut in his mouth. haha What a nut!! He could barely close his mouth. 

Well, we arrived at the house and tried to be super sneaky as we headed up to the door. There was a window that faced the drive way from the kitchen and as we walked up my Mom was sitting there at the kitchen table and saw me. So I said Happy Birthday and then walked up to the door. The kids came with the balloons and when GG answered it she was choking back tears and so happy to see us. It was the perfect surprise. She had NO IDEA!! My Dad did a great job at keeping it from her. He had kept his phone by his side really well so she couldn't accidentally see a text from me about our surprise. She was so surprised and you could tell it made her week!! We were so glad we were able to do this. Even more so that me and my Dad were able to keep it a secret! 

After lots of hugs and hanging out for a little while at the house waiting for kids to wake up from naps and their oldest Michael to get home from school we headed over to a park to get some wiggles out. 

It was pretty chilly outside and our boys were still in their jammies. haha We played for an hour or so and then decided to leave and go grab some dinner. I do not care to be out in the cold and Jacob (my brothers youngest) had a snotty nose that was just getting worse with being outside in that cold air. So we called it a day and headed to grab dinner at Wingers. Then we called it a night and we took our kids back to the hotel to get some sleep. 

The next morning we treated my Mom to a birthday breakfast. 

As you can tell it was just a little chaotic. haha 
Breakfast was yummy though and we told my parents that we were pregnant. We gave my mom a little fancy box and told her we got her a little something for her birthday as well. She opened it to find out ultrasound picture in a frame. Both her and my Dad were super excited for us! It was also nice to have that out in the open because I was not feeling great and now I didn't have to hide it as much. haha 
Here is what we gave my Mom for her birthday! 

Ethan was being so cute with Jacob. He kept trying to help him be happy. It was very sweet of him!! 

After breakfast we went on a little nature walk to get out of the house before going to the Museum of Curiosity. 

Nothing better for boys than rocks and sticks! haha Ethan, Wyatt and Emmett had fun playing their cousins Michael and Gabriel. Especially running around the trees and finding huge sticks. 

After our walk and grabbing slurpees/sodas, we headed to the Museum. 

I was excited to be able to get everyone in for free because we have a Museum pass for Fort Collins that is with a specific association. The last time we had gone we got our family and Wes and Hayleys family in for free. So I just anticipated it for this time. However, we got there and first the lady told me that I needed verification that my membership was valid. So I had to call our Museum and get the actual expiration date (which frustrated me). Then the lady told me that it would get 2 adults and 1 child in for free. SAY WHAT????? I was now livid (thanks to pregnancy hormones)! I normally am pretty chill and easy going but this pregnancy has thrown me for a loop and for a while I was really grumpy and anti social and just not myself. So when she told me this I about lost it on her. I mean it wasn't even going to cover just my family. I was so mad and I almost started to cry and Brandon kept telling me it was fine and we would just pay for the difference and my Mom and Dad had to pay for them and the kids. It was not what I had planned and I was pretty irate. Which is not me! The lady at the front desk ended up giving us a little bit more of a discount and then we paid what we had to and headed inside. I was still so upset and yet felt a little dumb because I had acted out so poorly! I was just so frustrated! haha The rest of the afternoon turned out fine and the kids had a blast playing for a few hours and getting their wiggles out. 

We couldn't find Michael a few of the times because he had wondered off without us knowing and gone into a different room. Which was not fun but it got everyone out of their house and it was pretty fun! 

Then we went out to Texas Roadhouse for some dinner. 

My Dad told our server that it was my Mom's birthday without her knowing. haha He said he needed to go to the bathroom and instead he went and told our server that it was her birthday. haha 

She was a little embarrassed I think. haha She told us we better not tell anyone it was her birthday. haha Too LATE!!! haha 

After a yummy dinner celebrating GG's birthday we headed back to my brothers house to hangout until Weston and Hayley got back. They were getting home that night. So we hungout until they got back and then talked with them for a little bit and then headed back to the hotel. We got the boys to bed and then my Mom and Dad came over to our hotel to play some games. They were now staying in a hotel since Weston and Hayley were home. So they left their hotel and came to ours to play a little cards to end the Birthday fun. It turned out to be a good day. I think my Mom enjoyed her birthday after all! :-) After some cards they left to get some sleep and we headed off to bed. The next morning we grabbed breakfast at the hotel and then went swimming. 

We had told the boys we would take them swimming so we couldn't pass up on swimming Saturday morning. So we texted Grandpa and GG and told them they were welcome to come watch us swim or even come swimming with us. So they got all ready and checked out of their hotel and came over to just watch the boys swim for a little bit. All 3 of our boys were super excited that they were coming to watch them swim around. They of course had to show off their mad skills. haha Emmett had fun showing them how he jumped into the pool and Wyatt and Ethan showed them how they were getting better at swimming. Grandpa made Ethan and Wyatt a deal that he would pay them a dollar if they would swim the length of the pool and back without stopping. Wyatt took the challenge first and then Ethan took it after we explained that he didn't have to hold his breath the entire time. At first Ethan didn't want to. Which seemed weird because Ethan loves getting money. haha I think he thought that Grandpa wanted to see if he could swim the length of the pool and back in one breath. So after explaining what Grandpa wanted him to do he accepted the challenge! haha 

After swimming for a little while we got showered up and headed over to say bye to Wes and Hayley. They decided to come to Scheels with us so we all headed over to Scheels. It ended up being pretty fun and there were some scouts doing a free scavenger hunt for all the kids that came. Plus the Farris Wheel was free that day. So we went on the Farris Wheel, did a scavenger hunt and got some yummy cinnamon roasted almonds. It was fun to walk around and chat before we had to take off back home. Wyatt of course wanted to go on the Ferris wheel with Grandpa because they are birthday buddies. Which is super cute that he wants to go with him on things because they are birthday buddies. After walking around a for a little while it was time to say our Goodbyes and give our hugs and head out. We were hoping that Grandpa and GG would come to IN N OUT with us for lunch before they took off but they were heading down to see my Grandma Edwards (my Moms Mom) before driving back to their home. So we had to give our hugs to them as well and then we were all off in our own directions. We stopped and ate some yummy IN N OUT before heading back here to Colorado. It was a really short trip but it was totally worth it to make my Mom's weekend so happy!!! Happy Birthday to the best Mom around! I was glad we got to celebrate with her. Ethan, Wyatt and Emmett loved being able to spend time with them too. They love hanging out with Grandpa and GG. 

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