Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fun Run, Night out and Relief Society Retreat

The last bit of September the boys also had a couple of fun runs for their school. Of course they had to fall on the hottest days of the week. The kids were excited to run. Sadly, I couldn't run with them this time. With being pregnant I knew my back would kill me. Thankfully the boys had friends to run with. 

The boys did a great job. 

Then we got to go to the Summit for a Doctors office patient appreciation event. The boys each were given a game card to play a few games. They were super excited. We thought we would go bowling but it was so packed that the wait was like 2 hours to be able to go bowling. So we played in the arcade and then went home. 

The boys were bummed that we didn't get to go bowling but they had fun in the arcade. 

Also, our ward did their very first Relief Society Retreat. We went up to Estes Park and stayed in a members cabin. It was a nice place with a super beautiful view. 

There was also this really cool tree house that the owner had built. It had a trap door and everything. It was really cool. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go because I had not been feeling all that great in this pregnancy. We had also been super busy lately and I was looking forward to just relaxing at home. Despite that I decided to go. It was a fun evening but we stayed up way too late. We were up until like 2 in the morning. So with going to bed super late and then not checking the plug on my air mattress I did not sleep well. I had brought my nice air mattress so I could sleep well and not have my back hurt but I didn't check the plug to make sure it was sealed and about 2 hours after going to sleep I woke up in a hammock. Since everyone else was now asleep I couldn't fix it and blow it back up. So I ended up sleeping on the couch next to me and that was not comfy at all. So I did not get much sleep. I was so tired the next day! I could barely function properly which was a bad thing because we had a couples golf date night that evening after getting home. So I wasn't able to take a nap. I was so incredibly tired I am surprised that I made it through the evening of golf. haha

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