Tuesday, January 29, 2019

December Fun

This December was a very busy one. We went on the Polar Express, hosted Brandon's office party on our own, found out the gender of our little baby and had Ty and Vandy's family come and visit for a little bit. I didn't make caramel popcorn this year which was kind of sad but I just did not have the energy and I didn't feel that great to be standing at the stove half of the day. So this Christmas season was a lot different then past ones. I didn't even completely decorate. I was excited to put up the tree in November but then I didn't take out really any other decorations. The kids were able to have their Christmas trees in their rooms but that was it. Didn't take out our Nativities or put up our wreath or really anything. It was pretty lame. I just didn't feel like it! So it was a very different Christmas season but we made the most of it and had fun with our boys trying to make it as special as we could.

This is how Ethan does his homework.... or should I say procrastinates doing his homework. haha I kept telling him to get his homework done and instead of just getting it done he laid on the floor for like 30 minutes whining about not wanting to do his homework. What a nut!! You would think that being in 3rd grade he would now be used to having homework to do each day. 

My 16 week baby belly! 

Oh Emmett!!! haha I thought that Emmett was quietly watching his brother play a reading game on the computer. After a little while I figured I should check on him because he was being too quiet. This is the sight I saw! haha He had drawn all over himself and thankfully it was only with a dry erase marker. I was just so glad it wasn't a permanent marker. haha I acted very stern with him as I saw that he drew all over himself but then turned the corner and laughed to myself. haha I love how his face was in such shock that I had caught him with it all over himself. haha I still laugh every time I see this picture!!

Emmett was so happy that he got to eat a star cookie! haha So happy that he had to run all the way upstairs to show me that Dad had let him have it all to himself! haha

Brandon spoiled me with a massage chair this year for an early Christmas present. He found a good deal on one and my upper back has had constant knotts in it this pregnancy so in order to spare his knees and my back he got us a massage chair. At first we told the boys that it was not for them and they were not aloud to sit on it. However.... Emmett got on it one afternoon as I was getting ready and started laughing hysterically as it started vibrating!! So... we have let them sit on it a couple of times as long as we are there. They think it is super fun because it shakes their whole bodies! haha Pretty cute pictures of these boys on our chair!

Story time! We have some cute Christmas books thanks for my Mom and since I get winded so quickly these days reading I had Brandon read them the book this time! Sure do love these boys of mine!

Since I wasn't making caramel popcorn this year I kept forgetting to watch all of my Christmas movies. So one evening for FHE we made muddy buddies and watched "Elf" with the boys! It was the perfect evening!! It made it finally feel like Christmas for me and I was loving snuggling up with my boys, eating yummy Muddy Buddies and watching one of my favorite Christmas movies!! 

Emmett is such a goof ball. We got these sun glasses to go on pineapples for our office Christmas party (Hawaiian themed) and Emmett had to put them on himself. He of course could not just give me a nice smile. haha I think I had to ask him to just smile normal to get the first picture. 

December also brought the boys Holiday parties at school. 
I was able to go to both of their Christmas parties this year. It made the morning really long but it was good to be able to spend time with both of them in their classes. 

Ethan was excited to see me and his little brother Emmett and was good about trying to include him until they played this jingle bell toss game. Then he was all upset because I wanted to have him let Emmett share his turn. Eventually it all worked out and the other kids in Ethan's class were having fun trying to help Emmett out. 

In Wyatt's class he had fun being the big brother and helping Emmett do all of the activities. Wyatt was being so good with him and it was fun to watch. Plus Wyatt is just so funny around his friends. He is such a goof ball and tries to act really cool around his friends.

Such cuties!! 

Then when Ty and Vandy came to visit we went to visit Santa and then used some gift cards to go out for dinner that night with them at a soda bar place.

This Santa is a really good Santa. Sadly, to get the pictures that they took it was like 40 bucks!!!! Pretty ridiculous if you ask me! So we had these couple of pictures that I took from my phone and that is it.

These kids love hanging out with their cousins! 

While the cousins were here we also made some homemade pizzas in some Christmas shapes and let them decorate their own. The kids really liked it.

The pizza was yummy and then we ended the night with a Christmas movie downstairs with Muddy Buddies and popcorn.

The next morning before Church we dressed the kids up and did a little nativity with them. We didn't read the Nativity but we dressed them up and took some pictures and then watched some Nativity clips on TV.

These two are seriously the cutest!!! Emmett was super excited to wear his Joseph costume at first but then he got really shy. Finally, we convinced him that he looked awesome and then he was really happy to wear it and to be able to hold the baby Jesus.

Seriously the cutest live Nativity ever!!!!

The kids loved watching the Nativity clips and other Christmas videos from LDS.org. Emmett loved wearing his Joseph costume and didn't want to take it off.

After church Ty and Vandy headed home. We were left spending the rest of the day relaxing and trying to enjoy Sunday. Then while the boys were on the trampoline Emmett got knocked off the side while he was trying to get off and landed face first on the metal lining that sit between the rocks and grass. Poor kid had an indent in his face and it started to turn purple pretty quick. It just looked so owie and I felt so bad for him. He cried for a little while and we turned on a Christmas movie that he could watch while I iced his face and then he fell asleep cuddled up to me. He rarely cuddles anymore but when he does I have taken advantage of it. Especially this pregnancy since I either feel gross or just tired and to have an excuse to just sit and not move for a while and cuddle up with Emmett I take advantage of. It was a very sad way to end the weekend though that is for sure!

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