Thursday, November 21, 2019

August 12-18th

After getting home from Idaho we were glad to just be home and enjoy our little family and the last week of summer vacation before school started.

I got to enjoy some morning snuggles. I love bringing Kayden into bed in the morning and having him fall asleep on my pillow next to me. He still enjoyed doing it so I enjoyed letting him.

Look at that cute little boy. He is getting so big! 

Kayden is getting so much stronger. His head still tips backwards sometimes and he has to bring it forward again but he is getting so much stronger. I feel like with him being my last I feel like he is too little to be doing things so I have not been pushing him to do things. Which is different from what I have done with all 3 of my other boys. I just want him to stay little! 

A little bit of pool time. 
The kids wanted to go to the Harmony pool. So we did, and I let Kayden put his feet in the water for a little bit. He didn't seem to mind the water and just kind of stared at the water. haha 

Off for a walk with these crazy boys! 

It is just good to get walking for a little while. The boys have fun riding their scooters and Kayden does pretty good in the stroller. 

The boys loving up on their baby brother! 

Trying to get him used to sitting up and get him off the back of his head a little bit more. 

Such a sweet little boy!! I am counting this as Kayden's 3 months picture. I have had a hard time taking pictures of Kayden when he hits another month. I have tried taking pictures with my nice camera with all my babies but I have had a hard time finding the time with Kayden. Probably because the summer has been insanely busy and I have 3 other boys to try and keep occupied. haha 

After swimming we took the kids for some ice cream. This was kid of our last hurrah for summer. 

Kayden got to enjoy our ice cream run with a little nap. 

This was Kayden's other 3 month picture. haha So little but getting so big! 

Such a sweet smile! I just love that he smiles at us when we talk to him now. It is the best!! 

Last but not least we had a Kawasaki corn hole tournament to go to. 
We took all the kids with us and I was hoping that Kayden would have just stayed asleep in his stroller while we played but as we started playing in the tournament he started screaming. So I put the wrap on and put him in it. 

Thankfully he fell asleep in the wrap and I was able to play. Ethan, Wyatt and Emmett went off and played together and I told them they had to stay together. Thankfully, they listened. Then they got their faces painted and then came over to watch up play and ate their lunch. We won 1 of our games and then we were out. So we took the kids off to do something else. 

They had fun seeing the firetruck and talking with the firemen. Then it was time to head home so Kayden could have some freedom. 

Look at that cutie! 

We had really big peaches this year!! They were almost grapefruit size!! 

What great looking peaches. Sadly, they were a little bitter this year. We had a really hot summer and didn't get as much rain as we normally do. Supposedly that is why their skin was more bitter. So next year we will have to make sure to water our tree a little bit more so they are tastier! Other than that they sure looked good and they tasted pretty good in peach cobbler. 

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