Sunday, November 24, 2019

September 3-13th

After preschool starting we just had some normal fun for a little while. My parents were coming in the middle of September to come watch the boys so before they came out we had some good fun with some more jogging, golfing, temple time and some scouts. It was a good couple of weeks.

This little guy rolled over multiple times at the end of August but then wouldn't roll over again. He would topple a little bit and lean but then stop. It was so silly to watch! 

Then Brandon was in charge of pack meetings for scouts and this month we had the rain gutter regatta. So we headed out one evening and the kids had fun making little boats and racing them down the track. 

Ethan had fun and won 2 times. Then Wyatt and Emmett had fun taking a turn blowing some boats down the track. 

Love watching this little buddy getting stronger. 

Emmett loves when it is trash day!! He always wants to watch the trash guys come get the trash cans. 

So much fun watching the train on our jog!

My first one on one with Emmett in a long time! It was fun taking him to go play some tennis at the Harmony courts! 

Friday mornings are fun when we can get out and go golfing with just the 2 little ones. With Ethan and Wyatt in school and Emmett having Friday's off we normally try to do something fun together. 

Such a champ when we go golfing! He just hangouts with us and enjoys the ride. 

Then our ward did a Temple activity. The youth were in charge of taking the kids in groups to take pictures in front of the temple and teach them about the temple. It was super cute! They did this so that the adults could do some temple work. So Brandon and I swapped doing some temple work and watching Kayden while the kids were learning about the temple. 

It was such a cute idea and we were glad that we joined in on the evening. It was raining at the beginning but then cleared up and was a beautiful evening.

Out for a walk with our family on Sunday morning. 

Loving up on his sloth! 

We also made some peach raspberry jam with all our peaches. This year we had the boys help out. They enjoyed pealing the peaches so that I could blend them up and make the jam. They also enjoyed measuring the peach puree, the sugar and mixing everything up. 

Kayden started to grab at little toys more often. It was so cute handing him little toys and watching him stare at the toys and try to grab them. 

Emmett caught a frog at preschool. He was so excited! He came home from school with his hands clasped together and he had a frog in his hands that he carried all the way from preschool to our house. I think he told me later that he didn't catch it but that one of his friends at school caught it and gave it to him. haha 

One on one with Wyatt. Since he is my movie lover I decided to get some snacks together and put a movie on in the car and put the seats down. So we had a movie evening in the car! It was pretty fun. Not the most comfortable but it was fun to do it with just Wyatt! 

Farm Time!

I took Kayden and Emmett to the Lee Martinez Farm one morning. Emmett had been wanting to go to the Farm ever since one of the ladies in our ward took all the boys during the summer. So I told him I would take him. So we headed out one morning and got to walk around and feed some animals. Emmett was so happy to be at the Farm. 

He was going to feed the goats but the goats were crazy. They were jumping all over each other to try and get to the food. Then a black one came and rammed into the other goats to move them out of the way so he could get to the food. Emmett didn't want to get close to the goats. 
So he went and fed the sheep!

He liked feeding the sheep. But then there was a baby sheep that he wanted to feed but he was nervous about the black sheep that was walking over our way. The goats scarred him. haha So he made sure to keep an eye on the other sheep as he got close to the baby sheep. 
I was proud of him for feeding the sheep. He was pretty nervous to do it but once he did it he wasn't as scared. 

Then we saw some ducks. 

Played at the park for a little bit. 

He thought the tractor was fun. Although it was pretty hard to get on so I had to help him on and off. 

He was so excited that we went and liked seeing the pigs, cows, sheep, goats and horses. The horses came super close and I tried to get him to pet one but he wouldn't even get close. haha 

Then he fell asleep on the way home. 

I bought this little swim outfit for Kayden for our Arizona trip. It looks so cute on him!!! Kayden was officially ready to go swimming in Arizona and not get burnt.

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