Thursday, November 21, 2019

Big Murri Reunion

Then it was off to Idaho we go. We packed up a ton of stuff and got up early in the morning after feeding Kayden around 4 in the morning and drove to Idaho to have a crazy weekend. haha It was going to be super crazy with all the people at the cabin. The kids were super excited to see their cousins and go to the cabin and go tubing down the river. haha Sadly Emmett came down with a fever the day before we left. I was hoping that it was just a 24 hour bug but later the next day as we drove to Idaho his fever came back again. So we had to bring the tylenol and hope that it went away quickly so he wouldn't give his sickness to his cousins. 

What a sweet face!!!! 

Once we arrived at the cabin we said hi to Great Grandma Murri and Great Grandpa Murri. Not very many people where there yet so we just enjoyed letting the kids run around and showing off Kayden to people. haha 

What a sweet picture of Grandma holding Kayden. 

Nothing better than basketball at the cabin. haha 
The boys were so excited to be out of the car. 

Emmett was having so much fun seeing Great Grandma and Grandpa Murri again. He really enjoys seeing them. 

Had to take a 4 generation picture with all our boys and Great Grandpa. He has not been doing well so we are really not sure how much longer he will be around. Which is really why we decided to go the big reunion. We had thought we wouldn't make it since we had just had Kayden and already had been to 2 reunions. But, with how bad his health had been we wanted to see him possibly one last time. He had a stroke a few months before the reunion and didn't remember anyone. He still wasn't himself. You could tell he was happy to see people but probably a little overwhelmed with all the people around. It was good to see him though and the kids enjoyed seeing them again. 

What a cute family I have! Probably the last time we will be at the cabin. 

Then we had to hit up Big Judd's with everyone. It was yummy but I feel like it wasn't as good as I remembered. Plus Emmett was extra tired and his fever came back. He kept complaining that he was cold and you could tell he didn't feel that great. So after dinner Brandon took me, Kayden and Emmett back to the cabin that we were staying at so I could let Kayden actually sleep good. That and I needed to give Emmett some medicine and put him down for the night. I was really hoping that after a good nights sleep that he would not be sick again the next day. It didn't take Emmett long to fall asleep. He fought it for a few minutes and kept talking but once I got him to stop talking he fell right to sleep. 

Then Brandon took a pic of all of us that evening when the kids were in bed and we were all of our phones. What a nut! haha It is sad how attached we are to our phones these days. Wake up call to all of us I think!! 

The next day the boys took off to go golfing and us girls got all the kids ready and packed up things and headed over to the cabin again to have some breakfast. It was pretty chilly that morning so I made sure to bundle Kayden up a little bit. The other boys grabbed their jackets and then were off playing with all the extended cousins. Doesn't Kayden look so cute in that little outfit! I had so many cute long sleeve outfits for Kayden that I couldn't put him in because it was too hot. So I was pretty excited to put him in this little outfit that morning. 

Just a cutie pie!! 

The boys had so much fun playing down by the river. Thankfully the water was not very high or fast flowing so I didn't have to worry much about them. That and the adults tried to keep an eye on people down by the river which was nice to have other adults to help keep an eye on the kids.

Spike ball fun!!

Then Grandpa gave Emmett some licorice. haha

I loved watching Emmett with Grandpa. 

Then it was time to go tubing. I stayed behind with Kayden and Brandon took the boys. 
They tried to carpool down so this is how my boys took their drive down the road. haha 

They had fun riding down the river. They were really hoping to go again but we didn't have time to go again. At least they were able to go once.

Ethan was getting pushed around a little bit by these boys. When I saw this I thought they were all just playing around. I didn't realize that Ethan was not having fun. He was getting a little upset but he was trying really hard to not get mad. He told Brandon that they were being mean and he was trying to control his temper and so he just let them do it. It made me a little upset that these boys were being so rough with him. I think I remember telling that that they needed to stop and not be so rough. We really have such good boys!!! 

Piper and Emmett are such good little friends. They were just sitting talking in this little pool while eating their sandwiches! Such cuties! 

A little bit of time with Grandpa. 

Hanging out at breakfast Saturday morning. 

Brandon also brought his BB gun for the kids to shoot some pop cans. 

They had so much fun shooting the pop cans. 

After playing for a little while at the cabin we had to say our goodbyes. We wanted to head back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the day and take it easy. There were so many people at the cabin and it was kind of chaotic so it was nice to head out. I couldn't really put Kayden down much there were lots of little girls that kept wanting to touch Kayden. haha That and I couldn't put him on the floor in the house for long because then I was stuck inside. That and he just wasn't taking good naps. It was hard to get good naps in with all the people running around everywhere. So we left the cabin just before lunch. 

After grabbing some Mongolian for lunch we went for some shaved ice. 

It was delicious as always. Then we went back to the house and played a little bit and let Kayden take a good nap. 

Then we played outside and ate some dinner. 

We got out the water balloons that we brought and let the kids just go to town. It was fun. 

We started with a balloon toss and then moved on to just a water balloon fight. The kids had fun. We had music on and let them just run around. 

After some good outdoor fun we headed off to get some ice cream at Reeds Dairy. 

It was yummy. The kids ended up getting a flavor that they didn't end up liking. So they wasted a lot of it. I feel like that is what happens when we go places like that. They don't appreciate great ice cream as much when they are little. They would be better off with just cookies and cream ice cream at the house or vanilla with toppings. haha oh well, its fun to do it with them. 

Then Grandma Huntsman stopped by and the kids all gave her a big hug. We all said bye to her since we were leaving earlier the next morning. 

Then it was time to make the drive home.

Where is Wyatt... haha He had hid under his blanket to block out the sun I think. I had Ethan make sure that there was a little space open to let fresh air in. I didn't need him not being able to breath while he slept in the car. haha Silly kiddo! 

This is how we do gas station stops. We let the kids get a treat and then we let them run laps before getting back in the car. Emmett's fever was still coming off and on. You could tell he didn't feel completely better since he didn't want to run the whole time. He asked if he could stop running. haha Poor little buddy! 

After feeding Kayden we let him enjoy being out of his carseat a little bit. He was full of smiles and it was just so stinking cute. We felt bad making him go back in his carseat but we didn't have an option. He was sure happy to be out of his seat by the time we got home. We were all happy to not be going anywhere for a little while after that trip. 

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