Monday, November 11, 2019

Ethan turns 9

Then it was Ethan's birthday! I can't believe he turned 9!!! He is almost in double digits. I don't know how I feel about this! He is growing up so fast!! We started out the birthday the same way we always do. He colored his crown and we headed out for birthday donuts. 

Eventually birthday donuts wont be enough for these boys! haha 
Ethan was pretty lucky because Grandma Murri was able to come with us to get Donuts. 

I believe Brandon came home for lunch that day and we had Ethan open his presents. The cousins were coming in town that afternoon and they were going to all go to Fly High and then dinner. So it was going to be a busy afternoon. It was busy with donuts, presents, pool, Fly High, going to dinner, cake and then to top it off Kayden's Baby Blessing!

While the kids were running around playing we had to pull them inside for just a little bit to have our boys be a part of the baby blessing. It was fun having everyone there to be a part of it. We had my family in town for Emmett's blessing and Brandon's family for Kayden's pretty great that we get to have family in town to be a part of our boys blessings. What a crazy and yet special day. We sure do love our Ethan. Our first born blue eyed stubborn boy. He has a very sweet heart. He is such a hard worker and even though he still has a hard time with reading he is such a smart kid and can create amazing things with whatever he wants. He is a great big brother and has gotten so much better at controlling his temper. He was excited to have his cousins in town for his birthday again and they all had fun at Fly High. I had to stay home with Kayden and make the birthday cake. Plus I didn't want Kayden around all the germs. So I was glad that we had family in town to take my kids to go have fun. I hope it was a great birthday for him! We sure do Love him and are thankful that he is in our lives!

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