Monday, November 11, 2019

Murri Reunion 2019

 After the fun of Ethan's birthday it was time for the fun of the Murri Reunion. Almost everyone was at our house for Ethan's reunion except for Jason and Devin with their 2 littles. They arrived late Tuesday night and then the reunion officially began. The week of the reunion was filled with lots of games, swimming, junk food and laughter. It was a great time. I was a little overwhelmed with having so many people in our house with an 8 week old baby. I was glad that Kayden was a little older when everyone arrived than when we had people visit before. Plus I was not in charge of the reunion. We were just housing everyone. So I sat back and enjoyed snuggling with Kayden while people cooked and went swimming. It was nice to have other kids around keeping my kids occupied and other adults to take my boys swimming since I was not able to take them very much this summer with little Kayden. I did go to the pool a couple of times with everyone but I never really got in the water. I would hang by Kayden in the stroller and try to keep him in the shade and cool with how hot it was in the afternoons. We did have a lot of fun with everyone at our house and the kids loved having their cousins in town to play with. 

Caught this little guys cute smile on camera finally! He is too stinking cute!

Cow Appreciaption Day also happened while the cousins were in town. So we colored our faces like cows and headed to get some free food! Coya and Grandma and Grandpa stayed behind and watched Kayden for me so I could take just the older boys. 

The Cow Crew!!

I seriously LOVE that Kayden likes to snuggle his face up to mine when he sleeps in bed with me in the mornings.

Kayden really liked sleeping on my pillow with me. I think being elevated helped get rid of his gas better. 

This was the view that Kayden got at the pool! haha

Coya had planned a couple activities for the reunion and then the rest of it was just hanging out and going to the pool and playing games. One of the activities was going to play mini golf at Fort Fun. We were split into teams and we kept score to see which team won. It was way too hot! By the end of the 18 holes all of the kids were red faced and dripping sweat! Kayden was in the wrap and half way through he was so hot that he woke up and just cried. I ended up wiping down his face with a cold wet burp cloth and he seemed to really like it. Normally he would not like having the cold on his face but it was so hot outside that he seemed to enjoy it. So I knew he was too hot. So I made it a few more holes and then I took Kayden inside to get him out of the heat. I didn't want him to get too overheated. 

Although it was super hot the kids had fun and Ethan was stoked that his team took first place. 
After that we headed to get slurpees at 7 Eleven because it was free slurpee day July 11. Which was a good way to cool everyone down a little bit. 

After that fun the kids were able to enjoy playing in the water in our backyard! 

These beauties were from my amazing love for our Anniversary! 

We also were able to get out on a little mini date. We were able to go grab some lunch without Kayden which was pretty nice. I married such an Amazing handsome man!!! 

The other big activity for the Reunion was an Escape Room. We were split up in teams again and had to see who would win this year. 

It was a hard escape room but I am pretty sure our team won! haha 

This was our makeshift room that Brandon  made. We wanted to let everyone have their own space so we closed off the loft with a tarp. haha All of the kids slept downstairs in the basement and every night Vandy would have the kids pick an airhead that they would get in the morning if they didn't get up at night. Between that and giving the kids Melatonin every night they went to bed so quickly it was great. Especially since Grandma would tell them a 30 minutes story every night. haha Gave the melatonin plenty of time to hit them and they were all out by the end of the story. So funny!! It was a good week. I missed being able to take Kayden down stairs in the mornings when he was fussy and lay on the couch with him on my chest. So I had to just lay him in bed with me on my pillow. Which was enjoyable as well. The week went really well for having a little baby around with all of the other kids and people. It was chaos all the time but it was fun. It did feel nice when everyone left. It was so much quieter! haha It was nice not having to travel for the Reunion but there was a lot of preparation to do and a lot of clean up but Ty and Vandy tried to help clean up some before they took off. Which was nice! So all in all it was a good time!

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