Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leaving California

After we left the beach house and grabbed some lunch at IN N OUT we got back to my parents house and Brandon grabbed the few things that he left at the house and then he and the boys hit the road to drive all the way back home. I was staying that Saturday and my parents house and then heading on an airplane the next day. Brandon and the boys were planning on picking me up at the airport on their way home. So I hung out with my parents and Kayden. I enjoyed the time with my parents but I missed the rest of my sweet little family. 

I seriously can't get enough of this sweet little face!!! 

Getting some much needed tummy time. It was hard to give him tummy time while we were at the beach house because there was no carpet. It was all tile. So the only place I could give him tummy time was on our bed which didn't last very long. Kayden also rolled over while doing tummy time at my parents house. It was pretty exciting! 

Brandon sent me these pictures of their road trip back home. They had fun swimming and stopping for food and snacks and then the morning after sleeping in the hotel Brandon sent me this picture of Emmett staring off in the distance during breakfast. He said that Emmett was so tired and just kept staring at the TV. haha He said he sat like this for like 5 minutes without moving. haha 

While Brandon was off with our older boys I enjoyed some cuddles with our youngest. 

Papa also got Kayden some awesome smiles out of Kayden. Kayden was really liking Papa. It was super cute!! 

Such great times with Papa and GG. 

Then GG got some cuddles in. 
Kayden wouldn't go to sleep. So while I got things packed up and ready for our flight GG cuddled with Kayden and got him to sleep for a little bit. 

Then GG put this on his eyes. haha Obviously he wouldn't sleep. haha 

I was glad to let GG enjoy some cuddles with Kayden before we left. I have really hogged the snuggles with Kayden. Which I totally deserve and I absolutely love but, I decided to let GG have some loving before we left since she has not gotten many cuddles and I would get all the cuddles I could get once I got home. Then it was time to go to the airport and head home. I was sad to leave but I was also happy to go see the rest of my boy and Brandon. So my parents dropped me off and then I was off on another plane ride. This time didn't go as smoothly. Kayden cried a lot more of the time on our flight home. I fed him a bottle and then before I figured he would be hungry he was screaming again. So I put a tiny bit of water in the bottle to give him just a little bit of liquids just to see if it was his ears that were bothering him. However, he drank down the ounce and then screamed for more. So I made 3 more ounces (since that is all the water I had left) and he drank up the bottle and then was happy again. Once we got off the plane Kayden was super upset again. He screamed the whole way through the airport. I was a little frazzled! Thankfully Brandon arrived right as I got out of the plane. He had to go around the airport once and then I got out to the pick up area. Kayden was still screaming and Brandon was super done with the drive. Emmett was super tired and super grumpy. They were all super tired of being in the car. So it was an interesting hour home. They were sure happy to be home once we got there. 

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