Sunday, November 24, 2019

Papa and GG, Carrie Underwood and Kayden hits 4 months!

On Sunday September 15th we went to church and then after dinner Ethan, Wyatt, Emmett and I jumped in the car to go pick up Papa and GG from the airport. The boys were so excited to go to the airport to pick them up. So we drove down and parked in short term parking and then went to go meet them at the terminal. 

We couldn't wait to surprise them that we were there waiting for them. All of the boys fell asleep on the way to the airport. So I was glad that they were happy and ready to walk to go into the airport. It could have been a disaster. We waited for a few minutes. I was afraid that we had missed them and that they would have been at baggage claim already. Thankfully, we hadn't missed them and soon they came around the corner. 

There they are!!

We were so glad that they were here!! We love when they come to visit!

Waiting for bags. 

Chatting it up while we wait! :-) 

Emmett was so excited to have his Chocolate Milk buddy there to drink chocolate milk together in the mornings. It is so stinking cute that he is so excited about that. Wyatt and Papa and birthday buddies since they share the same birthday. So Emmett wanted to be a buddy with him too so he decided since he likes chocolate milk in the morning and Papa drink his chocolate protein drink in the morning that they were chocolate milk buddies! haha 

Hanging out with Papa. 

Some fun Tennis time with GG. 

Then after my parents arrived on Sunday evening, Brandon and I had a Carrie Underwood concert to go to on Monday night. So my parents watched the kids that afternoon while we headed down to Denver to grab dinner and then go to the concert. 
We went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. This was a peach ravioli appetizer. It was different but actually pretty good.

Ready to head back to the concert!

So excited for Carrie Underwood!! This was Brandon's first concert ever!!

I couldn't help but take a picture of this lady. She was totally sloshed and "feeling the spirit"haha She was going crazy. It was bonkers!! 

Other than the smell of beer and weird drunk people around us it was a great concert. Carrie Underwood does a great job and belts it the whole time. I actually enjoyed her new songs better live than I did on the CD. So that was a win. It was a fun evening and we were ready for some sleep after that. 

The next day I hung out with my parents and with Emmett and Kayden. Then I had a doctors visit that afternoon. So my parents went to the boys school so they could do their fun run for school.

After their fun run they took the boys home and I got home from my appointment and we were able to enjoy the evening with them. 

These 2 pictures are the best 4 month old pictures I have of Kayden. Life was so busy on the day that he hit 4 months old that I wasn't able to take any really good ones. So thankfully my mom snapped these ones. He is such a cute little stinker. His poor little eye just looks so irritated. We were really hoping that his eye was getting better. It had been looking a little better for a couple of weeks and then he caught the kids cold and it flared right back up right before my parents arrived. So we had to start some more drops. He had to be so tired of us putting drops in his eyes. Poor little buddy! He is such a happy little baby though and he takes the drops really well. He sleeps really well. He was sleeping pretty much through the night by 4 months. He would drink a bottle between 10 and 11 and then go till 6 in the morning. Then he would drink another bottle and then sleep for another hour or 2. He really has been such a great baby! It makes it way easier to enjoy him at each stage!! 

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