Sunday, November 24, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend started with us making some peach cobbler on Sunday. We had a ton of peaches to use and figured it would be a good idea to make some peach cobbler and enjoy it with some friends. No one ended up being able to come over so we just enjoyed it with our kiddos. They didn't appreciate it. In fact they all complained that it wasn't good and just ate the ice cream that we gave them. 

I mean look at that deliciousness!! 

Then we took the kids golfing to enjoy the Holiday! 

It was a pretty hot day and we were all tired of being in the sun by the end. Kayden did a great job and slept some of the time in his car seat and then just hung out on our laps while we golfed. It was a fun outing.

Look at those cute boys! 

A little bit more pool time!!! After golfing Kayden needed a nap and we told the boys we would take them to the pool. So Brandon stayed home and I took the boys to the pool for one last hurrah before our pool closed for the season. 

Lastly, this is how Kayden hung out while we were at the pool another time. This time we went to the Harmony pool. Kayden loved laying in his stroller and starring at this sun toy. He would coo and grunt and just seemed so happy. It was so cute!! It was a good Memorial Day weekend!!

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